Parental Stress: What it Does to Your Children If cold and flu season teaches us anything, it is that kids pick up everything. This is not limited to only germs, though. From the time they are in the womb, until they are young adults, our kids can even pick up our stress and anxiety. […]
Resilience: The Thing Missing in Your Life
Resilience- What’s Missing From Your Life The stress of our society is strong. We are faced with stressors daily: car trouble, childcare issues, financial strain, work stress, family problems… Stress is more than just a word. It is an actual chemical reaction in our brain and body. The consistent release of stress hormones can […]
Overcoming Your Own ACEs and Breaking Generational Hurt
Have you ever read something that just clicked in your mind as an answer to a question you have had for years? That’s what happened to me when I first began researching Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). After suffering from chronic and unexplainable illnesses for over a decade, I came to the conclusion I […]
The Importance of Empathy: Working Through Big Emotions
Children need to know their parent will love them unconditionally and that we understand their position, even if we do not approve of their actions or decisions. Knowing they live in a safe environment, where mistakes are part of the learning process is important to a child’s development and security. Kids have meltdowns […]