Don’t ever allow someone to make you feel like a bad mom or parent. Whether you work from home, go to work, or stay home with your kids. Whether you breastfed, bottle fed, or did a little of both. Whether you have one kid, or five. Whether you had a natural […]
The Advantage of Affection
We have long been taught that holding our babies is good for them. We are taught to meet our baby’s needs and show them warmth. Unfortunately, that physical touch often stops when our children outgrow infancy and toddlerhood. Touch is often considered inappropriate past a certain age, and especially with certain genders or […]
How to L.O.V.E. Your Strong-Willed Child
From the moment our first son was born I said he was going to turn my hair gray. He was born late, and large, and refused to take his first breath for what seemed like an eternity. He also had to have emergency surgery for intussusception at 3 ½ months. This boy is so very […]