Don’t ever allow someone to make you feel like a bad mom or parent.
Whether you work from home, go to work, or stay home with your kids.
Whether you breastfed, bottle fed, or did a little of both.
Whether you have one kid, or five.
Whether you had a natural birth, were induced, or had a C-section.
Whether you let your kids have Goldfish and pudding, or whether you only eat all-natural food.
Whether you follow one kind of parenting philosophy, or another.
Whether your kids go to public school, private school, or home school.
Never let the way someone else does something make you feel like a bad parent.
There may be some things that just don’t work for you and your family, regardless of how hard you try, what the newest research shows, or what your friends do. We all find what works for our family.
We are all trying our best to raise our children to be the people they were made to be. We are all doing our best to keep our kids happy and healthy, while also trying to focus on all the aspects of their lives, and our own. We all have good days and bad days. We all have parenting fails and parenting wins. We all wish we had moments we could relive or redo.
And when it comes down to it, your care and love for them is what makes you a great parent.
We are all struggling with and enjoying this parenting journey. Wouldn’t it be better if we did it together instead of against each other?
By Emily Scott, PhD
Originally posted on
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This blog is written as an educational and general resource only. It should not be used to diagnose or as a substitute for parenting or relational therapy, advice, or counseling with a professional therapist or medical doctor. Renewed Hope Parenting is not responsible for results or use of the information provided in these pages if you choose to use them. Everything included in this blog and website is copyrighted to Renewed Hope Parenting and may not be used without permission.
Lisa @ says
This is such a great post! I honestly do not understand the mom-shaming. My philosophy is “do what works for YOUR FAMILY”. Every household is different. Every child is different. There is no one way to parent. You gotta do what works for your family